Release 1.11

Deployed on May 3rd, 2023

The GTS version 1.11 release includes the following enhancements and new functionalities:

New Features

Date Filter

You have now the capabilities to filter map data with a new navigation at the top. You have the capabilities to filter data for a specific date or for a specific date range (cumulative view). this navigation is also available from the Geographic coverage dashboard.


You can get more details on this feautre on the online documentation.

Centralized export

All the export buttons are now promoting the same export feature. Moreover the Excel export has been completly revisited to be more consistent and facilitate data analyze.


You can get more details on this feautre on the online documentation.


  • [1511] Infrastructure team improved the environments monitoring with Grafana.

  • [3221] Improve Generic account security

  • [3336][2381][2710] Improve Documentation

  • [3599] Admin > Phone monitoring was renamed to Device monitoring to handle new NT· (NTdot) hardware.

Other Changes

  • [3263][3264] Database consolidation on Development and Test environments.

  • [3440] Use GPS time on ODK submitted data.

  • [3301] Deploy a new development environment.

  • [3408] extend team deployment search feature scope.

  • [3202] Improve IMEI uniformity (renamed to Device ID).

  • Various design bug fixing