Your tracking round has to be configured with Targeted Areas, otherwise, you will not be able to export the indicators as explain below. You can follow the Target Areas in the admin documentation, to know how to upload a Targeted Area.
Your Targeted Areas must be configured with a Settlement aggregation layer (See the following screenshot), otherwise you will not be able to get a list of Settlement.
To get the list of missed settlements and plan the mop-up days, during or after a tracking round, you should:
Unzip the received zip file in your working folder and open the xlsx file in the Geocoverage_indicators folder with your Excel application.
Select the worksheet that contain the settlement aggregation layer.
Enable the filters:
Click to cell named Percent visited in the first row.
Click on the Data tab (point 1 in the screenshot below)
Click on the Filter button (point 2 in the screenshot). A new button (down arrow) should appear in all the cells of the 1st row (See point 3 in the screenshot)
Click on the down arrow down button on the right side of the Percent visited Cell (See point 3 in the screenshot) an select Sort Largest to Smallest. All the rows should be sorted from the highest number to the lowest (point 4)
The Settlement are now ordered based on the percent visited, and you can select the rows below the threshold you expect (i.e. below 80%).