How to realize an accuracy test

Test your mobile phone

Here is the process to run a GPS Accuracy Protocol:

  1. Charge the device one night.

  2. Put the device with a clear view of the sky and as far as possible from wall, metal object like poles etc..

  3. Turn it on and be sure GPS high accuracy mode is on.

  4. Set the GTS Tacker application without auto-upload and let it run for at least 4 hours.

  5. Come back and pick it up.

  6. Turn it OFF.

  7. Share the data with us and let us know when the test has been done. To share the data, you have 2 options:

  1. Share database file directly by email.

  2. Upload the data into GTS and let us know in which field activity has been used during the test.

  1. (optional) Use a tool like Google Map to get the real latitude and longitude of the device used during the test (where you put it). Without this information, we will use the centroid to estimate it position during the test.