Pre-/Intra-/Post-campaign checklists

1. Pre-Campaign


For the tracking activity:

  1. Make an inventory of devices suitable for the tracking

  2. Determine the areas targeted for the tracking.

  3. Configure the GTS accordingly.

  4. Prepare the devices for tracking.

Goals details

Make an inventory of devices suitable for the tracking

  • Devices suitable for the tracking consist of Android from version 5.1 to latest, except Android 6 (no iPhones).

  • If you plan to purchase new mobile devices, we recommend you contact us to ensure suitability.

2. Determine the areas targeted for the tracking

  • Obtain the number of teams which will be deployed in the areas targeted by the vaccination campaign:

    1. The more granular the number of teams per area the better

    2. A list of teams (code) per area would be even better.

  • Based on the number of teams deployed and the number of devices, determine where the tracking will be implemented.

3. Configure the GTS accordingly

4. Prepare the devices for tracking

  • Install or update the mobile applications (GTS Store, GTS Tracker, GTS Collect) with the Batch Deployment Tool if your phone management process is centralized or use the 2 pages documentation if decentralized (each user is managing is phone).

  • Verify proper device configurations by running the GTS Tracker mobile application and be sure you’re passing the requirements screen.

  • Insert SIM cards if any.

  • Fully charge devices at least one day prior to the campaign start date.

2. Intra-Campaign


  1. Guarantee data completeness.

  2. Gain insights into vaccination reach on a daily basis.

  3. Get missed settlement list from day 4 for the mop-up day.

Goals details

1. Guarantee data completeness and gain insights into vaccination reach on a daily basis Everyday:

  • As much as possible, upload data to GTS and verify data completeness.

  • Troubleshoot phones with battery optimization.

  • Charge mobile devices.

2. Gain insights into vaccination reach on a daily basis

Review geographic coverage.

3. Get missed settlement list from day 4 for the mop-up day

At the end of day 4:

  • Ensure all data from all phones have been uploaded (How to: Team reporting with team deployment).

  • Get missed settlement list .

  • Plan the mop-up day based on missed settlement list.

3. Post Campaign


  1. Improve the micro-planning walk through for the next vaccination round.

  2. Prepare devices for the next vaccination round.

Goals details

1. Improve the micro-planning walk through for the next vaccination round

Get the missed settlement list at the end of the mop-up day to support the micro-planning walk through of the next vaccination round.

2. Prepare devices for the next vaccination round.

Troubleshoot remaining phones with battery optimization issues.