Release 1.4

Deployed on April 7, 2021


  • Improved overall performance

    • Table partitioning

    • DB indexes improved

    • SQL Queries reworked

    • more data persisted to avoid on-the-fly calculation

    • Scaled up Celery workers

  • Added some monitoring

  • Minor bug fixing

Admin Dashboard

  • Display an indicator on the TrackingRound if indicator calculation is not up-to-date

  • Maintenance improved

    • Have possibility to retrigger indicator calculation if not up to date

    • Have possibility to reprocessed failed imports for the tracks

  • Fixed some permission issues when creating/importing FieldStaffs

  • TargetedArea Import: added a global option to specify TeamsDeployed

  • Have possibility to specify whether TargetedAreas download is checked by default on the map

  • Sorted lists

  • Better support for different ODK Forms formats


  • Exports for TargetedAreas improved (Excel export more complete now)

    • Possibility to export TargetedAreas and aggregation layers with their indicators

    • Possibility to uncheck TargetedAreas

    • All parent level ids/codes/labels are added

  • Geocoverage mode improved

    • Reworked zoom to/Highlights

    • Do not display tracks by default

    • Do not show Aggregation polygons if it has no TargetedAreas

  • Display an indicator on the map if indicator calculation is not up-to-date

  • Automatically refresh the maps when new data are received

  • TeamsDeployed vs TeamsReported now consider teamcodes and users and IMEI to determine the number of Teams who reported