Release 1.1

Deployed on June 22, 2020

GTS version 1.1 has been released, the dashboard has been updated and the mobile application will be upgraded when launched with Internet connectivity:


Mobile Application: - Optionally require a 4-digit code to log out of GTS. - Optionally require a 4-digit code to stop or switch from a tracking activity. - Optionally configure field activities to upload tracks automatically. - Enhance ODK collect form capabilities. - General enhancements increased security and configuration enhancements.

Dashboard: - A new wizard to create batch deployment files or user installation instructions. - Enhanced batch deployment tool user friendliness and error trapping. - General enhancements increased security and bug fixes. The next time users login with an older version of the GTS Tracker mobile application while connected to the Internet, the GTS Tracker will automatically check the version and suggest and upgrade. The older version will continue to function with the new dashboard until the mobile app gets upgraded.

Change Details:

Mobile Application: - Code to logout of GTS An optional logout code may now be assigned to field staff from within the dashboard, this is to avoid field staff inadvertently logging out of the mobile application. Enter a logout code in the dashboard for field staff Field staff will need to enter code to logout Code to stop tracking An optional logout code may now be assigned to field activities from the dashboard, this is to avoid field staff inadvertently stopping tracking. This code will also be required, if one is assigned to the field activity, if the user tries to change to another activity while tracking (effectively stopping tracking of the first activity). Enter a field activity code to stop tracking Field staff will need to enter code to stop tracking - Automatic uploading of tracks Field activities may optionally be configured to automatically upload tracks at a specified internal when Internet connectivity is available. Enter a field activity upload interval Tracks will be uploaded automatically if connectivity exists - Enhanced ODK functionality ODK forms in .xml format and their associated media files may be packaged into a .zip file and uploaded in the dashboard to an Organization or Field Activity. This enables the inclusion of media such as images on an ODK form as well as .csv format tables for large or complex lookup filtered selection controls that may be used for the selection of States, LGAs and Wards. - Other mobile application enhancements Various other enhancements that are not readily visible have been included: - Various security enhancements have been put into place - Doze mode detection: Battery optimization on the Android OS may try to stop an application that experience no user interaction for a period of time (“doze mode”). Instructions direct users to configure GTS to run in the background, the mobile application now has improved checking and handling of this setting, although users are still instructed to configure their phones correctly. - When an ODK form is submitted it is associated with the metadata of the latest track in order to correctly relate it within the field activity tracking round. Upload Interval: Tracks automatically uploaded if connectivity exists Manual upload still possible Tracking Interval Example of an ODK form that includes images and text to describe options in a select control. The images are held as image files in the media folder associated with the ODK form.

Dashboard: - New wizard for instructions to install of the mobile application Upon pressing the instructions button in the upper right corner after having drilled down within a field activity new options for mobile application installation instructions appear. - Batch Deployment: Has been enhanced to include better user interaction should a smartphone not be detected. Error trapping incudes: USB connection to PC, device unlocked, USB connection mode, USB debugging enabled and ADB settings.

  • Instructions to field staff: Has been enhanced to permit selection of individual users that are to receive installation

instructions directly by an email, to create a zip file or both. - Other mobile dashboard enhancements

Various other enhancements that are not readily visible have been included: - Various security enhancements have been put into place - Bug fix: When viewing tracks by user, each user now assigned a different colour on the map. - Bug fix: When viewing tracks by team code, performance improvements map now repaints faster. - Bug fix: ODK submissions on the map are now correctly formatted in popup and for download