Organization Level

The Organization level permits editing of details and configuration for the Organization. Only an Organization Focal Point can edit organisation details.

The Organization level offers five tabs “Field Activities”, “Dashboard Accounts”, “Field Staff”, “ODK Forms” and “Base Layers”:

GTS Dashboard available tabs at the Organization level

GTS Dashboard available tabs at the Organization level

1. Field Activities Tab

From the Field Activities tab, it is possible to create and edit the activities that are to be tracked by the GTS. Field activities are primarily defined by the interval at which tracks are collected as well as the time of day and speed of travel that determine the validity of a tracking point.

To create a new field activity, navigate to the field activities tab at the organizational level and click on the “New” button. This will open a four page wizard that guides the creation of new field activities (items marked with a red asterisk are required):

GTS Dashboard New Field Activity Wizard

GTS Dashboard New Field Activity Wizard

  • The first form of the wizard receives the new activities main information:

    • Name: Full name of the activity

    • Description optional (all items marked with a red asterisk in wizard forms are required, otherwise they are optional)

  • The second form concerns security on mobile devices tracking the activity:

    • Team Code: Team codes are short descriptions entered by field staff in the mobile app when tracking starts. They may be omitted, prompted for, or required. Team codes may be free text or selected from a predefined list. Team codes are useful in situations where many field staff use the same generic login yet need to be distinguished.

    • Code to stop tracking: An optional 4 digit code may be assigned to stop tracking, this may prevent field staff from inadvertently stopping tracking of a field activity. Leave this entry blank if no stopping code is required.

  • The third form in the wizard collects tracking settings:

    • Interval: The time between the collection of tracking coordinates in seconds, by default every two minutes (120 seconds)

    • Allow upload while tracking: The GTS mobile application can deliver real time tracking providing Internet connectivity exists, use this feature with caution as it may result in excessive mobile data charges.

    • Working Hours: The time during which tracks are collected may be set. Outside of this timing no tracks are collected, this serves both to save AAndroid battery charge and to respect field staff privacy when not performing activities.

  • The fourth form in the wizard concerns accountability:

    • Speed: Optional limits at which speeds tracks are considered valid can be set. This may be useful in situations where field staff travel through one targeted area to get to another and don’t wish to record the first as visited.

To edit an existing field activity, hover over the field activity line with your mouse cursor and click on the edit (pencil) icon to the right of the activity entry to open the form on which to edit field activity settings. Caution should be taken when editing field activities during a campaign as this may result with inconsistencies among field staff (differing tracking intervals for example while Android phone await connectivity to update settings).

GTS Dashboard Field Activity edit form

GTS Dashboard Field Activity edit form

1. Dashboard Accounts

The Dashboard Accounts tab lists all users that have dashboard access for the organization. To create a new dashboard users account, navigate to the Dashboard Accounts tab at the organizational level and click on the “New” button.

GTS Dashboard Accounts tab

GTS Dashboard Accounts tab

Dashboard accounts may either be imported from field staff, from another organization or they may be created if they do not exist in the GTS environment.

Importing Dashboard Accounts

Follow these steps to import a dashboard user, after pressing the “New” button on the Dashboard Accounts tab:

1) Wait for the wizard to load
Field Staff and Dashboard Accounts.

By default the wizard will load all
accounts to ensure uniqueness and
facilitate account import.


2) Enter the Username or Email
where indicated.

The drop down list will display
Available filtered accounts, complete
typing or select an account from the

The values for Username, Email
Last name and First name will be
Entered automatically to align
with the original account entry.
3) Select the Role(s) to grant to
the user for the organization (The
roles granted to dashboard users may
vary from one organization to another.
(See the Roles section.)

Click on the “Import” button to finish.



If a dashboard account already exists within another organization, to
which you have not been granted access, you will not be able to create
nor import the account with the same name or email address.

Creating Dashboard Accounts

Follow these steps to create a dashboard account that is new to the GTS, after pressing the “New” button on the Dashboard Accounts tab:


GTS Dashboard Accounts tab

1) Click on the link “Click here
if you want to create a new Dashboard
Account” to jump to step 3)


Wait for the wizard to complete
loading Available Accounts.


2) Enter the Username or Email
into the search by box, there should
be no matching entries. If a matching
the account will need to be imported.

Click on “Could not find
corresponding Dashboard Account?”


3) Enter optional values for Email,
last name and first name.

If a GMail address is entered the
option to connect with a GTS Password
will appear (see Authentication below)


4) Select the Role(s) to grant to
the user for the organization.
(See the Roles section.)

Click on the “Create” button to finish.


Editing Dashboard Accounts

To edit existing dashboard accounts after they have been created or imported click on the edit (pencil) icon that appears to the right when hovering over the account entry.


GTS Dashboard Accounts edit form

The Email address, last name, first name and roles attributed to the dashboard account may be edited, the username cannot be changed once an account has been created

Dashboard User Authentication

GTS Dashboard user may authenticate logins by two methods; connecting with GTS or Google authentication. Connecting with GTS employs a typical Username/Password combination that is stored on the GTS server. Connecting with google authentication permits users to connect using their Google credentials foregoing the need to remember GTS usernames and passwords.


GTS Login Screen Authentication Choices

Dashboard User Roles

GTS Dashboard users may be assigned to one or a combination of five roles avaiable:

Dashboard User Roles





No access

Cannot access the dashboard

Organizationl Focal Point

Access to all features for the organization

Acts as system administrator for the organization

Field Activity Focal Point

Access to Field ACtivities as well as Base Layers and Targeted Areas

Can manage but not create Field ACtivities

Data Analyst

Can view maps and download data

Access only to Maps Section of the Dashboard

Logistics Support

Field Staff instructions also batch deployments and the Tracking Data Extractor

Prepares and delivers mobile Android hardware

3. Field Staff

The Field Staff tab lists all users that may be assigned mobile application access for the organization. Field Staff may be nominative or generic and a user may have both a Dashboard Account and Field Staff access simultaneously. To create a new field staff account, navigate to the Field Staff tab at the organizational level and click on the “New” button.


GTS Dashboard Admin Field Staff tab

Field staff accounts may either be imported from dashboard accounts, from another organization or they may be created if they do not exist in the GTS environment.

Importing Field Staff Accounts

Follow these steps to import field staff, after pressing the “New” button on the Field Staff tab:

1) Wait for the wizard to load
Field Staff and Dashboard Accounts.

By default the wizard will load all
accounts to ensure uniqueness and
facilitate account import.


2) Enter the Username or Email
where indicated.

The drop down list will display
Available filtered accounts, complete
typing or select an account from the

The values for Username, Email
Last name and First name will be
Entered automatically to align
with the original account entry.
3) Enter an optional logout code
if required.

The logout code prevents field staff
from inadvertently logging out from
the mobile application, stopping the
collection of tracks


4) Select the Role(s) to grant to
the user.

(See the Roles section.)



If importing a dashboard account, avoid changing the roles as they
will affect the user’s overall access. Roles assigned on this form
will NOT be specific to the field staff activities.
5) Select the Field Activities
that the field staff user will have
access to.

Click “Import” to complete the


Creating Field Staff

To create field staff new to the GTS, follow these steps after pressing the “New” button on the Field Staff tab:

1) Click on the link “Click here
if you want to create a new Field
Staff” to jump to step 3)


Wait for the wizard to complete
loading Available Accounts.


2) Enter the Username or Email
into the search by box, there should
be no matching entries. If a matching
the account will need to be imported.

Click on “Could not find
corresponding Field Staff”


3) Select “Yes” or “No” to the
Question if you Know the field staff

Yes => Nominative Field Staff

No => Generic Field Staff


4) Enter an optional logout code
if required.

The logout code prevents field staff
from inadvertently logging out from
the mobile application, stopping the
collection of tracks


5) Select the Role(s) to grant to
the user.

This option only appears for
nominative accounts (selecting “Yes”
in step 3 above).

If the Field Staff user will not be
using the dashboard, they typically
will only need the “Member” role.

(See the Roles section.)


6) Select the Field Activities
that the field staff user will have
access to.

Click “Import” to complete the


Editing Field Staff

To edit existing field staff after they have been created or imported click on the edit (pencil) icon that appears to the right when hovering over the account entry.


GTS Field Staff edit form

The following values appear on the edit field staff form

Edit Field Staff Form Fields




Cannot be changed once user is created


Email addresses can be changed (Google authentication persists if an account with a Google email address as name receives a new email address)


The Field Staff password can be changed

Last Name

The user’s sir name can be edited

First Name

The user’s given name can be edited


The account type (Nominative or Generic) may be changed

Field Activities

Field activities may be assigned or withdrawn

Logout Code

A logout code may be added or removed


Roles for the user may be changes (use this feature with caution on imported accounts)

4. ODK Forms

ODK forms may be associated with field activities, field staff will be able to use forms to capture contextual information from the Android device while performing a field activity.

From the ODK tab, it is possible to view ODK forms that will be available accross the organization, either at the GTS level or at the Organizational level. Click on the “New” button in the ODK tab at the organization level, to add an ODK form that will be available to all field activities in the organization.


Adding an ODK form


ODK forms may be uploaded either as XLSForm .xml files or as .zip archives that may contain the .xml files and any associated itemsets.csv files and Media directories containing media files.

Drag and drop or browse to upload the .xml or .zip file that contains the ODK form. A name must be assigned to the form, the GTS automatically updates the popup form with the name of a field that collects geo-coordinates, this may be changed if there are more than one geo-location widget on the form.


New ODK form popup form

Once uploaded ODK forms may be edited or deleted as a function of their level and the role of the user editing the form, for example an Organizational Focal Point can edit forms at the organizational level but they cannot edit forms at the GTS level. Forms will be uploaded to Android devices when the GTS Mobile Application is installed or launched while the device has connectivity, forms that are displayed and made available in the Mobile app vary depending on the field activity selected.


Editing ODK forms

5. Base Layers

Base layers are nested shapefiles used for aggregation and geographic investigation. Typically base layer represent administrative boundary levels (level 0 country, level 1 first sub-division etc.); however base layers may include any shapefiles that respond to field activity analysis needs such as health zones divisions, water sheds, and the like.

Click on “New” to upload a base layer. Base layers must be in ESRI Shapefile format within a .zip archive file.


Uploading Base Layers

The Base Layer upload wizard will present the following forms for completion.

I) Enter a name and optionl description for the Base Layer


II) Select fields as Unique ID (for eventual time trend analysis) and Label (for map display and search funtionality) then click on the “Save” button to uploaded base layer.


III) Upon successful upload, the GTS will return a “Success” message and the base layer will appear in the list.


Once uploaded, Base layers may be edited or deleted as a function of their level and the role of the user editing the form. Base layers will be used in conjuncture with Targeted Areas layers to provide aggregated geographic analysis. For example the number and percentage of targeted areas visited at the state, local and ward levels.

Click on a field activity Name to drill down to the field activity level.